Issues in EFL in Japan (Not currently being updated)

My name in James Hall and I teach an English Teaching Methodologies class for aspiring English teachers and advising 5 senior students (one is in the USA). This blog is will be used as a forum to discuss issued in EFL in Japan. This blog will also serve as a portal to the learners' blogs as I will periodically summarize the hot topics appearing in the learners' blogs. Please come join us!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

ETM3 Students' Experience with Group Work

I asked ETM 3 students to write about the following:

Please describe an experience you had either as a student or a teacher where you tried a groupwork or pairwork activitiy and it did not go well. What went wrong with the activity and how could it have been changed to make it work?

Here are the students' responses:
Pinch Hitter
Chocolate Ice Cream
Happy Days
John Wang

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

ETM 3 Blogs about Teaching Grammar

I gave ETM3 students a list of all the grammar taught in Japanese junior high schools and asked them to write about which grammatical element on the list was most difficult for them to learn and how would they teach it. Below I have listed the names of the students and grammar that the students wrote about:

Happy Days: Relative Pronouns
Cheesecake: Present Perfect Tense
John Wang: Present Perfect Continuous
Eringo: Present Perfect
Patapata: Present Perfect Tense
Shota: Indirect Interrogatives
ELLE: Relative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns

Visiting Mr. M's School

A few weeks ago Mr. M, an English teacher in Morioka, came to our class and gave us some general advice about how to teach in a junior high school. Students of ETM3 highlighted the important parts of Mr. M's presentation in their blogs and used the information to give advice to ALTs or university students who were about to begin work at a junior high school (see the previous post). Last week, we went to Mr. M's school and observed some classes. ETM 3 learners wrote about what they observed and how the priniciples Mr. M talked about were evident in the English classes at his school. Below are the posts of students who wrote about going to Mr. M's school:

Pinch Hitter
Yoshie hb